ICC&GIS Proceedings Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 issued for the 6th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Albena, Bulgaria, are indexed in ISI Web of Science database maintained by Thomson Reuters. The IDS Number is: BF9OJ.
Author: iccgis2016
6 ICC&GIS Proceedings
Final Programme
The Final Programme of the 6th International Conference on Cartography & GIS is already available here!
Interactive workshop on “Designing and Conducting User Studies” – Preliminary Program
Find here the updated information about the Interactive workshop: preliminary program, content, topics and speakers.
140 Submissions by 372 Authors from 43 Countries
COST – TD1202 Meeting
COST Action TD1202 will take place at the same time as the 6th ICC&GIS Conference in Albena, Bulgaria, 13-14. June 2016. COST Action TD1202 is an EU funded inter-disciplinary networking activity that involves almost 30 countries and seeks to enhance the role of citizen sensors in mapping.
Online Submission and Registration are open!
6th ICC&GIS online submission and registration are already open! The deadline for abstract submissin is 10 January 2016, the deadline for payment of early registration fee is 29 February 2016.
The Czech Ambassador to Bulgaria supports the 6th ICC&GIS
His Excellency Mr. Dušan Štrauch – Czech Ambassador to Bulgaria supports the 6th International Conference on Cartography & GIS. The Seminar with EU cooperation on Early Warning and Disaster / Crisis Management is organized under His auspices.
ICA Commission on Use, User and Usability Issues
The Commission with chair Kristien Ooms will organize their annual meeting during the 6th ICC&GIS, Albena, Bulgaria. The Commission will organize one day workshop on Designing and Conducting User Studies.
Interactive workshop on “Designing and Conducting User Studies”
The workshop will take place on Wednesday 15th of June 2016 in the Kaliakra Hotel. This hotel is located right beside the conference venue. More information you can find here!. It is free for PhD students, 6th ICC&GIS participants.